From enrolling 100 women micro entrepreneurs to helping them expand their business, establishing four slum centres called “lighthouses” and helping people figure out their interests, Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University (DSEU) will be going beyond the campus to impact education.“We are looking at entrepreneurship in three ways. First, when students reach the third year of their course, we will give them an opportunity to understand entrepreneurial spaces and teach them about GST. We will also pair them with venture capitalists. Secondly, all courses will have an entrepreneurial orientation part. Within three years, students will be required to do a community project and create an event. Thirdly, we are identifying 100 micro women entrepreneurs to support them. Within a year, we will be giving them digital skills, teaching them marketing and other things based on need” – Neharika Vohra, Vice Chancellor, DSEU
Read more about this news here.