24-year-old Simran Mukadam resides in Pune along with her grandmother and husband. She was brought up by her grand parents. As a young person, she wanted to be a beautician, but when her grandfather passed away, she had to put a pause to her dreams. For three years, she worked in a BPOs and was unhappy with her job. One day, she decided to quit her job and follow her dream.
She joined a street corner beauty salon to learn the basics. However, she was unsatisfied, and her quest brought her to Lighthouse, where she did her skilling course as a makeup artist. She also learned about business planning and management skills under the wings of Junoon.
Today, she has even started building a strong network of event managers, photographers, support staff and other important stakeholders to manage various types of clients.
Simran has built her path and won significant awards, which has boosted her confidence further. She won the “Maharashtrachi Saundaryavati” contest in August, where she did makeup for 60 contestants!
“Training offered at Junoon and Lighthouse is a complete package and has groomed my personality and shown me way of life,” says Simran.